Nomination and voting wordpress plugin

This plugin allows user to nominate their favourites using their facebook account when the plugin is in nomination mode. And when in voting mode,users can vote using their facebook account. admin can see the nominee list, voter list in the admin panel.

The plugin have two ‘modes’:

1. Nominations: Visitors to the site are presented with a screen asking them to nominate a person in a selected category and entity. They can nominate by the persons name. The visitor have to login to nominate using their Facebook account. Once they have filled out their details and nominated, they can share to their FB wall . The system records who has been nominated and who nominated them. Visitors to the site can nominate as many people as they like as many times as they like. in the admin panel, when admin select the category under nominee selection, the submitted nominees are shown and then admin can approve and disapprove them for voting.

2. Voting: Users are presented with a list of nominees in each category (assigned by Admin in the backend) and asked to vote using their Facebook accounts. Again, once they vote the system can share their Facebook profile: Each Facebook account can vote once in each category (so visitors can essentially vote once per category and entity). The system counts the number of votes for each nominee and also records who votes for them.

3. Shortcodes: Nomination Shortcode:[wp_nomination id=203] Voting Shortcode : [wp_voting id=203] Nominee gallery: [wp_nominee_gallery id=203] where id is the voting poll id. if poll mode is nomination then nomination shortcode work and if mode is voting then voting shortcode will work. you need to change the mode to voting when you need to end the nominations.

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